Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Arrowhead Clinic Marietta Shares 5 Great Camping Back Care Tips

A camping retreat could be a safe haven for social distancing

The Great Outdoors Seem Even Greater


Proper Footwear


Apply Proper Form

Have a Contingency Plan


The Great Outdoors Seem Even Greater

The world has always been a strange place. 

However, with the development of Covid-19, it’s become a lot stranger.

Due to the need to limit contamination we have had to distance ourselves from each other.

It seems that nothing has gone unaffected by the siege of this potentially deadly virus.

However, there is one thing that still goes on despite this invisible threat.

The Earth still spins, grows, and thrives.

It is difficult to think of a better way to spend this forced isolation than to gain appreciation for this wonderful planet we call home.

Perhaps a camping trip would be in order as we wait out this crisis?

Camping is a popular pastime even in normal times. However, it is just as practical and enjoyable now.

However, it's not called roughing it for no reason.

Whether or not you pitch a tent in your back yard or you make your way out to a campsite in the middle of nowhere, camping is hard on your body.

Here at Arrowhead Clinic Marietta we want you to enjoy your time in nature as much as possible.

That is why we have compiled a brief list of five tips for spinal care while camping.

Support your back even when roughing it

1. Sleeping

When you are out on your own in the wilderness there is nothing to prove.

It is essential, even in nature, to care for your back while sleeping.

The idea of sleeping on the ground with nothing more than a sleeping bag may sound rugged and ideal for a wilderness outing.

It is also foolish.

In order to keep your back as healthy as possible, it is necessary to provide a degree of support.

There are a wide variety of paddings and air mattresses designed for the camping enthusiast.

They can be as simple as a foam pad that cushions your back as you sleep, or as intricate a full mattress complete with a battery operated pump.

Look at it this way, waking up with a sore back will put a severe dampener on your outdoor fun.

Plan for proper sleeping support to ensure as pleasurable an outdoor experience as possible.

Lay a good foundation with good boots for spinal care

2. Proper Footwear

It can be argued that one of the most important pieces of equipment in a nature lovers arsenal is their shoes.

A good pair of shoes can make or break an outdoor experience.

It is vital to have a pair of boots that offer strong ankle support in order to keep you moving and hopefully free from injury.

However, proper footwear can also help keep your back healthy and strong.

It is vital to find a pair of shoes that offer firm support for your feet.

This will help keep your back straight and thus effective.

Anything you can do to build a firmer foundation for your back will go a long way in keeping you happy and healthy for the duration of your camping trip.

Hydration is especially necessary when in the outdoors.

3. Hydration

It is necessary for all life on the planet to be adequately hydrated.

However, there are certain times where the threat of dehydration is more prominent than others.

It is vital to remain hydrated for a plethora of reasons while enjoying a camping trip.

In such an environment your body is being pushed beyond its normal functions.

This will require more water to keep you functioning at an optimal level.

One of the cornerstones of chiropractic care is to keep your body working as best as it can.

One of the best and important forms of regular maintenance is ensuring your body has all the water it needs.

If your campsite is not near a pump or a fountain, be sure to bring adequate provisions of water.

It would be wise to bring even more water than you normally drink, because you will be using more water than usual.

Practice proper form when engaging in outdoor adventures

4. Apply Proper Form

As previously mentioned, your body will be pushed to higher limits than usual.

Whether it is hiking, swimming, or just campsite maintenance your body will be working hard.

This means a greater chance for injury as you exert this physical effort.

Activities such as these are unavoidable on a camping trip.

It is part of what makes it so fun.

We are not suggesting you abstain from them. Far from it!

We do suggest that you use proper form while executing these actions.

Always lift from your knees and never with your back.

Keep your back as straight as possible.

Avoid unnecessary bending or over extending.

These are simple precautions but they can make the difference between a successful wilderness retreat or a painful one.

Be sure to have a plan when by yourself in the outdoors.

5. Have a Contingency Plan

Ordinarily, it might be considered unwise to go camping by yourself.

However, strange times call for strange measures.

If you do choose to go camping by yourself amidst the onslaught of Covid-19, make sure that you have a contingency plan in action.

If something were to happen while you are out in nature, you want to be sure that you can receive the help you need.

Always carry a cell phone or other means of communication on you as you travel.

That way you can always call for help.

However, if you are adamant about not using a cell phone there are still ways to ensure your safety.

Before you leave on a trip, be sure to inform someone you trust where exactly you will be and how long you will be away for.

That way if you do not come home when expected someone will be along to come find you. 

You do not want to fall down a ravine, hurt your back and have no way of receiving help.


It is important to remember despite these trying times we do have options.

We do not have to sit at home on our couches watching day time television until this trial has passed.

There are many things one can do in order to make the most of our time.

However, regardless of what you do it is vital to take care of your physical self.

If you find that you have become injured while you are making the most of your time, Arrowhead Clinic Marietta will gladly come alongside of you to help facilitate your recovery.

Pay us a visit for a free consultation so we can get you back out and doing what it is you love.

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