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Parks are a Paradise for Social Distancing
Parks are a Paradise for Social Distancing
The invisible war against the Corona virus is regrettably still raging.
We are all doing what we must in order to keep ourselves, our loved ones and our country safe.
However, after several weeks of encouraged social distancing, it’s unsurprising that some of us are starting to get bored, restless, or stir crazy.
There is no doubt any number of things that can be done around the home, however, those walls can occasionally begin to feel claustrophobic.
With limited shopping and recreational venues, there seems to be few places available for one to go.
There is still one consistent haven for us as we wait out the siege of Covid-19: Nature.
Georgia’s state parks are all still open for visitors.
Why not get out of the city and reconnect with nature as we wait for this worldwide crisis to pass over.
Arrowhead Clinic Atlanta wants you to enjoy yourself while remaining as safe as possible, that is why we have provided this brief list of 8 Outdoor Activities that Adhere to Social Distancing.
1. Frisbee
It’s not just for college kids anymore.
Frisbee lends itself perfectly to social distancing because it requires distance to play.
If you stand too close to your partner as you toss the disc back and forth, the game will prove to be quite boring.
The further the distance the greater the challenge and the greater the fun.
Some places such as Perkerson Park, have full frisbee golf courses for even more potential fun by adding an element of competition.
Be sure not to keep your back straight and avoid twisting while you toss the disk in order to prevent spinal injury.
It is also imperative to remember to wash your hands after sharing a frisbee in order to avoid contamination.
2. Hiking
There are few activities that organically lend themselves to becoming one with nature as hiking.
Hiking is literally just taking a walk in an outdoor setting.
With the exception of a pair of good supportive footwear, you are more than likely fully equipped to begin your hike now.
However, be sure to stick to the marked trails to avoid getting lost and potential injury.
It is also important to let someone know where you are going, and when you expect to be back, in case the worst should happen.
Ordinarily it is best to hike with a partner.
However, If you choose to do this, be sure to keep six feet full of nature in between you and your partner.
3. Croquet
Croquet is an ideal sport for those wishing to practice social distancing.
Every player gets their own mallet, their own ball and can go an entire game if careful without coming within six feet of their opponent.
It is also less common than some other sports, providing you with a new stimulus by learning all the necessary rules.
Croquet sets are relatively inexpensive and the game is very easy to set up and even easier to learn.
Why not take this time of forced isolation to learn this very fun game?
4. Golf
Along the same lines of croquet, Golf is another sport that does not rely on physical contact.
Some golf courses have remained open and will provide an excellent past time during this chaotic time.
However, there is a greater chance of exposure in golf than croquet.
Due to the vast distances that many courses cover, the use of golf carts are a popular form of transportation.
The use of these carts, where you are forced to sit side by side with someone else, is not recommended while practicing social distancing.
Thankfully you do not need a cart to play. It is actually traditional to walk as you play the game.
Enjoy the afternoon to its fullest potential by playing golf the old fashioned way by strolling the green.
5. Sunbathing
This is by far the simplest activity on this list.
It consists of lying down... That's it.
The hardest challenge involved is to avoid falling asleep and even that is inconsequential.
There are few things that can match the serenity of feeling the Earth beneath you as the bright sun above warms your entire body.
Be sure to apply sun screen to keep yourself from getting burnt.
It may sound counterintuitive, but you will still feel the sun regardless of your SPF and it will help prevent skin cancer in the future.
Also, for the sake of social distancing, it is best that you choose a spot that is removed from everyone else.
You want to lay on the grass, not in a hospital bed.
6. Fishing
Fishing is a pastime that is often done by oneself.
It is widely believed that too much human movement or noise will disturb the fish that you are trying to catch.
That is why many people who partake in the pastime choose to do it alone.
Also if you choose to rent a rowboat to reach that ideal fishing spot, you can’t get too much farther away from others than by sitting in the middle of a lake.
Fishing is an activity that requires proper equipment and an element of skill.
Regardless, anyone can potentially pick it up. Even you!
7. Kayaking
Kayaking is basically a one person boating excursion.
A kayak is usually designed for one person to fit in as they paddle down a body of water.
This sport is usually associated with more extreme environments such as white water expeditions down a raging river.
Thankfully, there are other much tamer kayaking experiences that cater to those who are less familiar with the activity.
I can’t think of a better time to learn than now.
However, if renting a kayak, be sure to avoid touching your face on your adventure and shower afterwards.
8. Flying a Kite
This is yet another activity that requires a vast amount of distance.
In order to keep the kite aloft in the sky it has to reach a certain altitude, which means letting loose a lot of string.
A lot of string requires a lot of space.
A running start is also occasionally necessary for getting the kite to its required altitude.
This is a great activity that naturally lends itself to social distancing. You need space to run, and you need space to avoid your kite from becoming tangled in someone else line.
The expense of kiting varies.
You can potentially spend a couple hundred dollars on a top of the line kite, and you can also get a cheaper alternative at the dollar store.
There are many options regardless of budget for the beginner kite enthusiast, with no where to go but up.
There are many outdoor adventures to have during this pandemic besides the ones listed above.
However, regardless of what you choose to spend your time doing, please take every precaution to not only keep yourself free from contamination but others as well.
We are all in this together and precautions must be taken to slow the spread of the virus.
However, just because Covid-19 is raging does not mean all other health concerns are out the door.
Physical activities often lend themselves to potential injury, if you find this has occurred to you pay a visit to Arrowhead Clinic Atlanta for a free consultation to get you back on your feet and having even more adventures.

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