Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Arrowhead Clinic Riverdale Shares Five Healthy Food Choices

some foods do more for your body than others

Article Table of Contents

Food for Thought



Nuts and Legumes

Citrus Fruits

Leafy Greens


Food for Thought

Nutrition is pivotal for all aspects of a healthy life.

In many ways your body is a complex machine.

All machines have one pivotal thing in common, they require fuel in order to function as optimally as possible.

Your body is no different.

You have to have the correct fuel in order to do everything you need and want to do.

However, the type of fuel is equally important as having fuel. If you put diesel in your gas engine, your car will not run.

If you put junk food in your belly, you will not run the way you are meant to.

Here at Arrowhead Clinic Riverdale, we are devoted to helping you run as well as possible.

That is why we have compiled this brief list of five foods you should incorporate into a healthy lifestyle.

dairy products contain calcium which is crucial for strong bones

1. Milk

Since childhood, most of us have heard of the importance of drinking milk.

We all know that dairy is a rich source of calcium that can lead to the growth of strong bones.

However, how often does one actually stop and think about what this means.

Bones make up the support system of our entire body.

That means they bear the brunt of every physical activity and all stress that our bodies sustain.

The stronger ones bones are the better one is able to support themselves as they go about their lives.

Strong bones are particularly important in the realm of chiropractic care.

A core belief of chiropractic care is that the better condition one’s spine is in, the better the body is able to function.

The spine is a very important, albeit very fragile part of the human body.

That is why it is reliant on ones spinal column for protection.

The spinal column is made up of many smaller bones called vertebrae.

Therefore it stands to reason that the stronger ones spinal bones are the safer the spinal cord will be.

The safer the spinal cord, the better you are able to function as a whole.

So do yourself a favor, keep drinking milk and eating dairy products.

Milk, it's not just for kids anymore.

fish contains proteins that help build muscle

2. Fish 

Fish is a very polarizing topic amongst consumers.

Either a person likes fish, or they do not.

There is rarely a middle ground.

However, regardless of whether or not one likes the actual taste of the sea animal, everyone should like what it does for the human body.

Seafood is incredibly high in protein, but is not as other red meats. 

Several seafood varieties also contains many oils and other nutrients that help the body to function at optimum levels.

The body needs protein because that is how one builds muscle.

We of course need our muscles in order to sustain movement at all.

There are of course many ways of introducing protein into your diet.

However, as far as other benefits go, fish is awfully hard to beat.

Legumes and nuts offer protein and other oils your body can use

3. Nuts and Legumes

Nuts and legumes are often an unsung hero.

They are big players in the game of adequate nutrition, they simply come in small packages.

If one chooses to not eat meat, then nuts and legumes are an essential part of an every day diet.

They are incredibly high in protein and would go a long way in helping a person receive their necessary daily protein amounts.

However, they are not merely a decent substitute for meat.

They also contain many poly unsaturated and monounsaturated oils that your body can utilize.

Due to their small size they are also convenient to be carried around as a snack providing a quick pick me up throughout your busy day.

Citrus fruits contain sugars and vitamin c that your body needs

4. Citrus Fruits

It deserves to be said that all fruit is good and necessary for a healthy body.

Fruits provide necessary sugars and other important nutrients that your body desperately needs for every day functions.

However, citrus fruits are especially helpful for a successfully running human bodies.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and limes are a naturally occurring provider of vitamin C, another essential that your body utilizes on a daily basis.

However, any fruit will offer great physical benefits for a person.

Remember you can compare apples to oranges.

Leafy greens do a great number of crucial things for your body.

5. Leafy Greens. 

Dark leafy greens do a plethora of services for the human body.

Not only do they provide many essential vitamins and nutrients, but they help improve the bodies overall health in many different areas.

This can include, decreasing your cholesterol, reduce obesity, help combat heart health and high blood pressure.

It is even believed to help against mental decline.

What makes leafy greens so great is that there is virtually no trade off.

They do all these wonderful things for the body for very few calories, which can also help with controlling ones weight.


The human body is one of the most complex machines in existence.

It is always working together with itself to be as highly productive and functioning as possible.

One of the key ways to ensure that it keeps performing at an optimal level is by maintaining a proper diet.

However, despite how healthy one eats, accidents and injuries do occur.

If you find yourself in physical pain you should seek out someone who will work as hard for your body as your own body does.

Come down to Arrowhead Clinic Riverdale for a free consultation and support as we help keep your body running as well as it possibly can.


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