Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hinesville Chiropractor Gives 7 Ideas for a Social Distancing Easter

Easter is still here, only our celebrations have changed.

Article Table of Contents

Spring has Sprung, and So has Covid-19

Decorating Plastic Eggs

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Roll

Easter Movie Marathon

Acts of Charity

Home Religious Service

Get Creative


Spring has Sprung, but So has Covid-19

Due to the onslaught of Covid-19, we have all had to make sacrifices to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

Some of these sacrifices have been smaller, such as abstaining from going out unnecessarily.

Others have been much more extreme.

One such sacrifice is the cancellation of Easter celebrations nationwide.

In one form or another, there has been some sort of public celebration of the holiday since the founding of our country over 200 years ago.

This is sad and disappointing on many levels, but especially for those with young children.

In one form or another, Easter has always been a time for renewal and rejuvenation.

Similarly to the origin of the holiday, we all will also rise up from Covid-19 and things will get better.

In the meantime, Arrowhead Clinic HInesville wants you to still enjoy your holiday as much as you are able to.

That is why we have compiled this list of 7 suggestions for still having a memorable and pleasant Easter.

The only thing keeping these eggs from looking festive is a few well placed marker doodles.

1. Decorating Plastic Eggs

One of the most traditional aspects of Easter is the decoration of Easter eggs.

However, due to the spread of the virus certain items have become limited across the country.

One such item is eggs.

This may make decorating them a bit difficult.

Thankfully there are alternatives.

One such option is the decoration of plastic eggs.

You will not be able to dye them the bright colors you usually do, however, they can still be personalized.

Buy a multi colored pack of permanent markers and draw your own fun spring designs on them.

2. Easter Egg Hunt

With limited resources and opportunities to go out and socialize, you have to adapt your plans.

Many communities orchestrate an easter egg hunt for the children around this time of year, but due to the development of the virus it has more than likely been cancelled.

However, this does not mean that you can’t host a hunt for yourself and your own family.

If you have a yard, you can still hide eggs around your own property.

If you don’t, why not designate a few rooms around your home to hiding eggs?

Keep in mind, if you do choose the indoor option, remember where you hid each egg. You don’t want one to be missed and be stumble upon a few weeks later.

Keep your celebration rolling along with an Easter Egg Roll in Hinesville, GA

3. Easter Egg Roll

For those of us who are unfamiliar with the finer points of an Easter egg roll, it is simply placing your egg on a hill and letting gravity do its work.

Such events are usually sponsored by the community, however as previously stated this is more than likely not the case this year.

If you have a yard with a slope, why not have your own running of the eggs.

If a race outside is not an option, it shouldn't be too difficult to construct a ramp out of various things around the house.

However, as previously mentioned, there is a shortage of eggs this year.

Thankfully, that is not a problem but a blessing.

The use of plastic eggs can increase the spirit of competition in the roll by allowing the racer to customize their egg by placing various weights inside.

This turns it into a much more interactive game as opposed to random chance. 

4. Easter Movie Marathon

They may not be as popular as their Yuletide cousins, however, there is a great number of Easter themed movies that you and your family can enjoy on the holiday.

There is also a surprising range offered in such films.

There are stop motion specials for younger viewers, and there are more intricate and nuanced offerings for the parents.

These films can cover all sides of the holiday.

For those inclined, there are many religious themed movies available as well as those that focus more on bunnies, candy, and eggs.

The holiday is a perfect time to make an effort for someone else.

5. Acts of Charity

In some circles, Easter is already associated with the idea of self sacrifice.

Due to Covid-19, we all have been sacrificing already in order to keep ourselves and loved ones safe.

However, there may be others who have less resources or less physical ability to take care of themselves.

Why not embrace the meaning of the season and find out ways that you are able to give back to those who still need help getting through this difficult time.

However, please keep in mind that there is still a virus raging outside.

If you feel so inclined, please do take the time to help others in need, but you are no help to anyone if you allow yourself to get infected.

Take precautions, or help from afar. Do not allow yourself to get exposed.

6. Home Religious Service

For many Americans, Easter is significantly more than just a fun holiday ushering in the beginning of the spring season with bunnies, candy, and eggs.

The origin of the holiday as we know it today, is a Christian celebration of Jesus Christ rising from the grave. 

For many, this is still the primary reason for the holiday.

However, due to the closure of many public works, churches will not be able to hold an Easter morning service.

For those who wish to recognize this meaning of the day, there are options.

Many churches have live streaming opportunities so you will still be able to partake in the celebrations.

If your church does not offer this option, why not gather your family together and read from the Bible itself.

There are many ways to worship in this trying time.

What creative celebration ideas can your family come up with?

7. Get Creative

Necessity is the mother of all invention.

These are trying times where we really have to come together and be creative.

A lot of the things we relied now are not usable or achievable in their current state.

However, with a little inspiration, a lot can be accomplished and a lot of fun can be had.

Get together with your family and loved ones and brainstorm ways to make this a wonderful and memorable Easter.


We are not necessarily responsible for any trying circumstance we might find ourselves in.

We are responsible for the ways we react to it.

We have the power to overcome this virus and still have an enjoyable holiday if we are willing to put the time into it.

Arrowhead Clinic Hinesville recognizes the potential for misfortune to occur.

We deal with it on a daily basis.

If you find yourself the victim of an unfortunate occurrence that resulted in an injury, there is a response for that as well.

Come pay us a visit and we’ll work together to get you back on your feet and celebrating the season with your loved ones.


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