Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Should You See A Doctor After A Minor Accident In Lithia Springs?

A minor car accident tends to feel, well, minor.

Many people mistakingly assume that they don't need to seek medical attention from a Lithia Springs car accident chiropractor after a minor car accident.

But, just because your accident is minor doesn't mean you can't get injured.

And just because you don't feel an injury doesn't mean it's not there.

In the article below, we will discuss why you should seek medical attention after a minor accident in Lithia Springs, GA.

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When Should I Seek Medical Attention After A Car Accident?

The sooner you get checked out by a doctor after your accident, the better.

There's nothing to lose and everything to gain when seeking medical attention after a motor vehicle accident.

If nothing else, you'll have the assurance that you weren't injured in the accident.

Seeing a doctor and being fine is better than not seeing a doctor and having a serious injury that hasn't shown symptoms yet.

And if you're going to file a personal injury claim against the negligent driver in the accident, medical records documenting injuries immediately after your accident are extremely helpful.

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Proactively Treat Injuries

Many car accident victims don't consider the rush of adrenaline they get immediately after a car accident.

This adrenaline rush can mask pain and other injury symptoms, even if the injury is severe.

The rush of adrenaline is a direct response to the trauma you've suffered in the crash.

It's very common to start experiencing injury symptoms a few days or weeks after your accident.

Injury symptoms will grow increasingly worse if left untreated.

It should be your top priority to seek medical attention after a car accident, no matter the severity or presence of injury and pain symptoms.

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Car accident help in Lithia Springs

Getting Your Injuries Documented Helps Your Injury Claim

If someone else's negligence caused your accident, you'd need to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party.

These can sometimes turn into complicated legal issues.

Your insurance companies will make it a top priority to discredit your claim.

They need to diminish the severity of your injury, and they can easily do this if you don't immediately seek medical attention.

If you don't seek medical attention right away, insurance companies will assume that you weren’t really injured.

One of the most important things an insurance company will look at when evaluating your claim is how soon you sought and received medical treatment after your car wreck.

Insurers don't want to pay injured victims if too much time has passed between the car crash and the initial medical treatment.

They think the claimant could be faking or exaggerating the extent of their injuries to receive more money in their settlement.

To avoid any legal complications down the road, seek medical attention right away.

You also need to speak to personal injury lawyers to help you deal with auto insurance companies.

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Contact Arrowhead Clinic in Lithia Springs

If you have been injured in a car accident in Lithia Springs, Georgia, call Arrowhead Clinic.

Our professional team of chiropractors specializes in car accident injuries, and we work with insurance companies to help you receive compensation for your medical treatment.

Don't underestimate your accident injuries after a minor accident, schedule your Free Consultation with Arrowhead Clinic today.


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