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Help Keep the World Beautiful
It is a popular notion that all great artists take their pain and suffering and turn them into masterpieces.
Well, if we have gained an appreciation for anything during our worldwide brush with Covid-19, it is pain and suffering.
Many of us have been patiently plodding away with our lives, being responsible and doing what is necessary to get through with our own health and the health of our loved ones intact.
However, there is so much more to life than simply getting by.
Whether or not you have been an artistic spirit your entire life or you are just now looking for new things to do with your time, why not take the opportunity to experiment with art?
There are many ways for you to express yourself with the creative arts.
You can write, draw, act, paint, sculpt, build, blacksmith, forge and take part in any number of other outlets.
Arrowhead Clinic Decatur wants you to feel as fulfilled as possible during this trying time. That is why we have provided this list of 5 reasons to pick up a creative art.
1. Pass the Time
For those of you who need a more practical reason before making a decision, a new hobby will certainly help pass the time.
It takes time and effort to begin any new enterprise.
You need to do at least some rudimentary research in order to know what supplies you will need.
You will also need to procure everything you need to start.
That alone can take up a good chunk of time.
All of that must occur before you can even start the actual project.
Some artists have worked for years on a single piece.
Granted, this more than likely will not be the case with you as you pick up your new hobby, but take it slow and enjoy the process.
The longer it lasts, the more time will pass and thus allowing the pandemic to blow over.
2. Creative Outlet
Art gives us the unique ability to be able to process information that we are not necessarily on the surface ready to reflect on.
In many ways, art is a dream that you can touch and see while awake.
It allows an opportunity to adequately express ones frustrations and joys, ones fears and hopes, ones hatreds and loves.
The time that we currently find ourselves in as unprecedented and potentially anxiety provoking.
Not only must we do whatever we can to maintain our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well.
It is important to be honest with ones self, to process, and understand what one is feeling.
Creation gives us this opportunity to express our thoughts and feelings.
It very well may also help you begin to heal.
3. A New Skill
Apart from all the psychological benefits that the creative process brings, it also provides a much more practical affect.
It teaches you a new skill.
Many skills are able to be adapted and fit into other areas of life.
For example, learning to carve wood will give you experience working with wood and will give your hands further dexterity.
You can use this knowledge to build bigger and better things or use the skills you have developed to try even more activities that your hands are better prepared for.
There are no wasted resources and there are no wasted skills.
Also an artisan is not limited to making statues or pretty pictures.
There are a wide variety of other forms of creation that are not limited to simply aesthetic pieces.
Activities such as blacksmithing, carpentry, stone masonry, and many many others are all under the umbrella of creative arts.
A creative is simply anyone who creates something new.
It doesn’t have to be artistic in the traditional sense.
As long as you are bringing something new into existence, you are a creator and thus an artist.
4. Thrill of Creation
On a philosophical note, there are few things that can compare to the exhilaration that accompanies a finished project.
When you behold what you have made with your own two hands you have a completed story.
It had to begin with the conception of the initial idea.
From there you had to figure out how to achieve that idea into a physical reality.
After much trial and error and after much effort it finally stands before you in its completed form.
It is a process and a journey.
Every finished project is an accomplishment that you will be proud of, because you were only able to achieve it after hard work and dedication.
The joy that accompanies this pride is much needed in this time of trial and social isolation.
You owe it to yourself to feel that way too.
5. Part of a Grand Tradition.
There have, of course, been many artists and craftsman who have come before us today.
When you take part in learning a new skill or craft, you are walking in their footsteps.
An element of being an artist is gaining appreciation not only for your own work, but the work of others.
Why not take this opportunity to learn about the giants whose shoulders you may be standing on.
There are many ways to learn about our artistic forefathers, be it through documentaries, books, articles, lectures or any other media form.
Learn about what made them great as you begin to discover what makes you great.
Arrowhead Clinic Decatur wants you to live your life to the fullest.
Whether that means contributing to the expansive realm of art or any other noble task.
However, in order to be as effective an artist as possible, your body needs to be as effective as possible.
Pay us a visit and receive your free chiropractic consultation.
We will work together in helping to create the best chiropractic care for you.
Keep strong during this trying time, and keep creating.

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