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One of the greatest strengths of the United States is our diversity.
We have always said that we are a melting pot of so many different cultures that come together to make a great country.
Due to these many varying cultural backgrounds there are precious few common symbols that unite us all together.
However, despite their rarity, common grounds do exist. One of them is the horse.
Like nearly everyone in this country, the horse was not truly native to this land.
They were brought over, like we all were, from somewhere else.
The horse is a symbol we can all relate to.
Nearly all cultures utilize and appreciate the horse and its regal nature and strength.
In a time, where we are encouraged to keep distant from each other, why not take part in an activity that in some ways unites us all?
If you do find the opportunity to go horseback riding during this difficult time, Arrowhead Clinic McDonough wants you to remain as safe as humanly possible.
That is why we have composed this list of five practices for safe horse back riding.
1. Helmet
Even if one is not a fan of the genre, nearly everyone is familiar with all the tropes that come along with the western.
We all know about the cowboy who rides into the sunset with his hat waving in the air.
As romantic as this image sounds, it is not the safest way to ride a horse.
Helmets are a crucial piece of safety equipment while riding for a plethora of reasons.
For one, most horses are quite tall.
If you were to fall off a horse, you could potentially hurt yourself very badly.
Especially, if the horse was moving at the time of your fall.
If you hit your head in the wrong way, it could lead to paralysis or even death.
A common concern for the chiropractic care professional is ones spine.
However, the spine is only a medium for the brain to communicate through.
A healthy spine attached to a damaged brain does not work well.
You won’t look like John Wayne, but you will be safe if you wear a helmet while riding your horse.
2. Distance
Unless you have your own horse and land, or perhaps some other circumstance that could allow free roam, you will more than likely be enjoying the equestrian arts along with several other people.
In the current atmosphere of a pandemic, it is heavily encouraged that people adopt social distancing.
This basically means you need to keep away from other people as much as possible.
However, this is especially true when on top of an animal who potentially weighs 2,000 pounds.
Horses despite centuries of domestication, are still animals.
They can behave in unexpected ways.
They can also become quite startled by unexpected stimulus.
Including a stray hoof kicking at them from the horse in front, and thus bucking you off.
A helmet is great protection, but its better not to need it in the first place.
Maintain a safe distance from the horses and people around you to keep everyone safe.
3. Posture
Posture is imperative in every physical activity a person can partake in, horseback riding included.
Sitting for an extended period of time is already potentially placing strain on your lower back and potentially your sciatic nerve.
However, there are some activities such as horseback riding where sitting is unavoidable.
There are still actions one can take in order to maintain as good posture, even while sitting.
Selecting a saddle that will provide you with proper support is an excellent way to start.
It is also always a good idea to sit up as straight as possible in order to keep your spine as straight and aligned as possible.
4. Knowing Yourself
As with any skill, it is crucial to know your own limits.
This is especially so when it comes to horseback riding.
Not only are you responsible for your own actions, but for the actions of the living creature beneath you.
If you do not feel comfortable taking a particular path, don’t.
If you do not feel like you can maintain control at a certain speed, slow down.
If you feel a horse is too unpredictable, select a different horse.
There is no shame.
Everyone is a beginner at some point, and thus can understand where you are in the process.
Know yourself.
Know your abilities.
Stay safe.
5. Education
Continuing off of the previous topic, you didn’t drive a car without someone teaching you.
You did not start riding your bike without someone holding you steady.
How could you expect to learn to ride a horse without some instruction?
There are many farms in the area that provide horseback riding lessons and further instruction.
Not only will this increase your ability to enjoy the ride, but will show you the proper way to ride ensuring your safety in the future.
Similarly to taking efforts to learn more about the equestrian arts, you also can make a point to learn more about your own body.
A simple way to do this is by visiting a local chiropractor.
Arrowhead Clinic McDonough is a great place to learn about your own bodies specific needs and how you can meet them.
Stop by anytime for a free consultation so we can help keep you in good condition and doing what you love.

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