Cold season starts around October and goes all the way until May of the next year.
Thankfully, we are on our way out of cold season.
But, soon enough it'll be October again, and we'll be bracing ourselves for the cold and flu once again.
We'll be investing in tissues, Nyquil, and cough drops, and we'll long for the days we were spending time outside in amazing weather, instead of cuddled up next to a box of tissues on the couch.
If you have a large family, you know once you hear the first sniffle from someone in the house, you're all in for a rough few weeks.
The cold doesn't discriminate; it comes after everyone.
But, we don't have to be victims. We don't have to just wait around until we get the cold and hope for the best.
There are things we can do throughout the year that will help us recover from a cold quickly, and even prevent it altogether.
In the article below, we will discuss four things you can start doing now that are recommended by a chiropractor to fight off the common cold.
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